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Some manuscripts endure the centuries, and some do not. Medical manuscripts seem to have had relatively short lifespans, perhaps through constant use and perhaps through replacement when new discoveries emerged. Thus, they are frequently found as small fragments, reused in the bindings of other books as cheap form of recycled material. This lecture will look at a number of new discoveries of such fragments from both the Hagströmer Library and a number of private libraries in Sweden and Europe.

Dr. TIMOTHY BOLTON is an honorary fellow of both Cardiff University and Aberdeen University. After finishing his PhD in Cambridge, he spent seven years at Sotheby´s as their expert in medieval manuscripts. In 2012, he became an independent manuscript consultant, and now divides his time between a role as Head of Manuscripts at Bloomsbury Auctions in London and in advising a number of private clients. He has catalogued for sale by auction nearly 1400 manuscripts to date, in Latin and almost every European vernacular language including Anglo-Saxon (three times), Welsh, and Czech, as well as an array of languages from the Christian Orient, such as Hebrew, Greek, Armenian, Samaritan, Syriac, and Coptic. In addition, he is the author of a monograph on medieval history which appeared in 2009, and has published a number of scholarly articles on medieval manuscripts and aspects of eleventh-century history.

TISDAGEN 14 NOVEMBER 2017 Kl. 18.00
Buss 57 (Sveavägen), Buss 515 (Odenplan) Hållplats Haga Södra
Anmälan före 9 november,
Email: Telefon 08 5248 65 48
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Medlemmar inträde 130 kronor
Icke medlemmar 180 kronor.