Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel eros volutpat, consequat diam ac, eleifend dolor. Mauris risus ante, tempus in interdum elementum, consectetur id odio. Praesent lorem dolor, sollicitudin sed metus at, laoreet vestibulum dolor.
The Treatment of Lateral Curvature of the Spine, with Appendix on the Treatment of Flat-Foot.
London, H. K. Lewis, 1889.
Nouveaux traité élémentaire et pratique des maladies mentales suivi de considérations pratiques sur l’adminstration des asiles d’alienés.
Paris, J. B. Baillière & Fils, 1876.
Spinal Diseases and Spinal Curvature. Their Treatment by Suspension and the Use of the Plaster of Paris Bandage.
London, Smith, Elder, & Co., 1877.
Traité des opérations qui se pratiquent sur l’œil.
Paris, H. Lauwereyns, 1871.
Die krankhaften Geschwülste. Dreissig Vorlesungen, gehalten während des Wintersemesters 1862–1863 an der Universität zu Berlin. Band I-III:1.
Berlin, August Hirschwald, 1863-[1...
First edition and the only one illustrated with tipped-in Woodbury-types. A second edition of 1899 was entirely revised and enlarged with an Appendix which gives an analysis of 1000 consecutive cases of lateral curvature of the spine (scoliosis) treated by posture and exercise exclusively without mechanical supports. The author means that ”the position of writing, as generally practised, is, more frequently than anything else, an initial cause of lateral and other curvatures not due to diseased bone. The much larger proportion of girls than of boys affected is due to the fact that girls do not enjoy, as a rule, one-fourth of the usual amount of physical exercise, as cricket, football, etc,. allowed to boys. Their muscles either never develop as they ought, or beccome weak.” Roth’s method for treatment was a systematic training of the spinal and other muscles for which he gives a written home prescription of movements. The book is illustrated with eight very fine photographs – The first six photographs were taken the same morning before commencing treatment, the first three representing the ”habitual” posture of the female patient, and the the other three represent the ”best possible” posture of the same patient after she had been placed by the author. This improved posture could only be maintained for the second or two required for taking the photographs. The other two photographs represent a 7-year-old girl with severe osseous lateral curvature of the spine.
Collation: Pp (8), 56 + 32 pp of publisher’s catalogue. With 15 figures in the text and 4 plates with 8 tipped-in original photographs.
Binding: Publisher’s green cloth, gilt lettering on spine and front cover.