DNA - Watson, Crick, and Wilkins!
In 1962 Watson, Crick, and Wilkins were jointly awarded the Nobel Prize in
Physiology or Medicine "for their discoveries concerning the molecular structure
of the nucleid acids". Their paper regarding the identification of the
double helix structure of DNA, and the copying mechanism of genetic material
was published in "Nature" 1953. The Hagströmer Library has both
the rare offprint of their article, previously owned by Professor Arne
Engström who held the speech when they received the
Nobel Prize, and an extract of the paper from "Nature" which Ove
Hagelin asked Watson to sign when they met in 2001 when all still alive Nobel
Prize winners in Medicine were invited to Karolinska Institutet at the
100-year-anniversary of the Nobel Prize.
Anna Lantz, 8 October 2019